This project’s most recent collection was launched in October 2022. “Poems for Rising Ten” is for children approaching the end of their time in primary school. There are 25 poems in all, each one accompanied by art work. In most cases, the images are not literal illustrations as such. I think they offer something richer than illustration, carrying or suggesting the spirit of the words, rather than prescribing shapes for them. They are by the late Rachel Stevens who gave her work free to this project.
The poems have been uploaded here on this website. As with all the other poems we reproduce, they are available free of charge.
To access the new poems for viewing and/or downloading, you’ll need to register with us. For that, see the horizontal menu along the top of the home page. Having registered, look along the same menu, and you’ll see the heading ‘Poem Collections.’ There are six collections named under that heading. ‘Poems for Rising Ten’ is the sixth. Click on that. The poems can be found beneath the introductory text.
To launch the collection formally, we printed the poems onto A3 foamex board and exhibited them in a quiet country church for a few weeks. Here are some pictures of them, taken by smart phone :
The exhibition was well received by visitors of all ages. Early on, senior forms from the local primary school walked over with their teachers to see the poems in their ancient setting and to respond to them through written words of their own.
Here below is a photograph of how the display looked from the north west of the church :

The UK Poetry Society helped to promote the new collection among the schools on its mailing list.